Healthy habits

A little boy reading the newspaper

YOU’VE BEEN HEARING a lot about flossing in the news these days. Recent articles stating that flossing doesn’t do any good for your oral health have left many feeling shocked and confused. 

Aug 19

Healthy habits

Is Flossing Really Necessary?

A man looking at the camera

YOU’RE SITTING IN THE DENTAL CHAIR, everything going as planned at your checkup, until your dentist tells you that you have gingivitis.

Jul 8

Healthy habits

Don’t Let Gingivitis Keep You from Smiling

Woman drinking an energy drink

DRINKING ENERGY AND SPORTS DRINKS on a regular basis is becoming increasingly popular, especially among young people. But did you know that these drinks can be extremely damaging to your teeth?

Apr 8

Healthy habits

Are energy drinks good for your teeth?

Ice and straw in a glass

DO YOU EVER WONDER WHY many people enjoy chewing their leftover ice after finishing  a nice refreshing drink? It may surprise you to learn that the cool crunch of the ice may not be the only thing drawing people to chew those last few cubes.

Feb 26

Patient Education

Ice Cravings: A Sign of Something More?

February is National Children's Dental Health Month

THE CDC REPORTS that 1 in 5 children (between ages 5 and 11) in the US have untreated tooth decay. Not only should tooth decay be treated in regular dental appointments, it should be prevented! Tooth decay is 100 percent preventable with effective personal care and regular dental cleanings. In honor of Children’s Dental Health Month, we’re spreading the word […]

Feb 5

Healthy habits

February is Children’s Dental Health Month

BRUSHING YOUR TEETH twice a day for two minutes is an important practice that helps keep your smile bright and healthy. But, does it have to be boring? We certainly don’t think so!

Nov 20

Healthy habits

Fun With Your Toothbrush

A woman listening to music with her headphones.

HAVE YOU EVER HEARD your favorite music performed live? You likely noticed things that often don’t come across in a low-quality recording-the exact texture of the instruments and richness of the sound, for example. The parts of our auditory system that pick these things up are delicate, and can be dulled by trauma or disease.

Oct 16

Healthy habits

Good Dental Health: It’s Music to Our Ears

A picture of a D and a fence. It's supposed to mean defense

Many a game is won by good defense. This holds true for the fight against tooth decay (dental caries) as well.

Oct 9

Healthy habits


A couple at a restaurant

WE ALL KNOW it’s possible to catch a cold from someone who’s under the weather. Did you know cavity-causing bacteria can be passed from person-to-person too?

Oct 2

Healthy habits

Are cavities contagious?

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