What Happens after Completing Your Clear Aligners Orthodontic Treatment

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Image Source: Canva Congratulations! You have successfully completed your clear aligners orthodontic treatment, and now you’re probably wondering what comes next. Completing orthodontic treatment is an exciting milestone, but it’s important to understand that there are still some important steps to take to ensure the long-term success of your treatment. In this comprehensive guide, we […]

Apr 18

Featured Image for the Blog post. Reads: "Jingle all the Way to Healthy Teeth: Dental Health Tips for the Christmas Season."

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The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and indulgence. It’s a time when we gather with loved ones, exchange gifts, and enjoy delicious meals and treats. However, all those holiday goodies can take a toll on our dental health if we’re not careful. But fear not! With a little knowledge and some dental […]

Dec 21

Healthy habits

Jingle all the Way to Healthy Teeth: Dental Health Tips for the Christmas Season

The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Overall Health

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‍ Image Source: FreeImages‍ Introduction: Taking Care of Your Oral Health for a Healthier You Your oral health is more than just having a bright smile and fresh breath. It plays a crucial role in your overall well-being. In fact, recent research has uncovered surprising connections between gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, and […]

Aug 17

Patient Education

The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Overall Health

Blog graphic for Professional Teeth Cleanings

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As dental professionals, we’ve seen the difference that routine dental cleanings can make in our patients’ oral health. Professional teeth cleaning is a preventative measure that helps keep your teeth and gums healthy.  In this article, we’ll explain what a dental cleaning is, its benefits, how often you should get a dental cleaning, common misconceptions, […]

Apr 26

Healthy habits

Smile Brighter and Healthier: Why Routine Professional Teeth Cleanings are a Must

Blog Graphic for Guide to Comprehensive Dental Exams

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We value our patients’ oral health, so we want to help you understand the importance of dental exams. Especially because not all appointments are the same. In this guide, we’ll take you through what to expect during a comprehensive exam. From what it is, its benefits, to what happens during the exam, and how often […]

Mar 23

Patient Education

The Ultimate Guide to a Comprehensive Dental Exam: What to Expect

Man brushing his teeth to prevent gum disease

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What is gum disease? Gum disease is a pretty common occurrence, also known as periodontitis. It mostly affects the gum and the bone surrounding the teeth. Periodontitis infects the gum tissue and bone causing inflammation (Nordqvist & Frank, 2018). And according to a 2012 study, 47% of adults over 30 have gum disease, and that […]

Jan 19

Healthy habits

How to Stop Gum Disease: Why You Should Brush Twice A Day

A man looking at the camera

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YOU’RE SITTING IN THE DENTAL CHAIR, everything going as planned at your checkup, until your dentist tells you that you have gingivitis.

Jul 8

Healthy habits

Don’t Let Gingivitis Keep You from Smiling

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